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2013-12-08  click:[]


Java语言是一种优秀的语言,《JAVA程序设计》课程提供给学生面向对象编程的基本技巧和概念课程讲解了面向对象程序设计的重要意义、Java程序设计语言的关键字和构造,以及创建简单Java技术程序所需要的步骤。课程主要内容包括:Java语言的基本语法、Java中面向对象程序设计的思想、图形用户界面编程、异常处理机制、输入输出流、多线程以及网络编程等。课程旨在使学生理解面向对象程序设计的思想,学会用Java编写一些简单的应用程序, 本课程使用的编程环境为J2SE SDK 6.0版本。


Introduction to Java Programming

Java Programming course provides basic skills and concepts of computer programming in an object-oriented approach using Java language, which is an outstanding programming language.This course teaches the significance of object-oriented programming, the keywords and constructs of the Java programming language, and the steps required to create simple Java technology programs. The main contents consists of information about the syntax of the Java programming language; object-oriented programming with the Java programming language; creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs), exceptions, file input/output (I/O), and threads; and networking. Students familiar with object-oriented programming concepts can learn how to develop Java technology applications. The course uses the Java 2 Software Development Kit, Standard Edition (J2SE SDK), version 6.0.

Time: 48 class hours




Introduction to “Information System Analysis and Design”

“Information System Analysis and Design” is a core major course in the curriculum system of specialty of Information Management and Information System, which introduces the basic concepts, theories, methodology and technologies in the information systems development process. Systems analysis and design is a practical field that relies on a core set of concepts and principles, as well as some rapidly evolving tools and techniques. This course integrates key system modeling concepts that apply to both the traditional structural approach and the newer object-oriented approach. The main contents consists of the world of the systems analyst; systems analysis tasks and systems design tasks based on traditional structural approach; systems analysis tasks and systems design tasks based on object-oriented approach; implementation and support.

Time: 48 class hours




Data Warehousing and Data Mining

Data Warehousing and Data Mining is a major course related to computer application which emphasizes both the basic theories and application technologies. The course introduces concepts and techniques of data mining and data warehousing, including concept, principle, architecture, design, implementation, application of data warehousing and data mining. The main contents consists of data preprocessing; data warehousing and OLAP (0nline Analytical Processing,) technology for data mining; descriptive data mining; association analysis; classification and prediction; cluster analysis; mining complex types of data; and applications and trends in data mining.

Time: 48 class hours




Introduction to Software Engineering

“Software engineering” is a basic course related to computer application in the curriculum system of specialty of Information Management and Information System. This course mainly introduces the techniques and methods of software development and makes students familiar with the principles, procedures and basic methods of software development and the techniques of software development applied to practical work, understand and master the thought and method of structured and object –oriented program design, and can directly use this knowledge to guide the development of the software. The main contents include: an overview of software engineering, feasibility analysis, demand analysis, outline design, detailed design, coding and testing, maintenance, object-oriented analysis, design and implementation, software project management.

Time: 32 class hours



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