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2009-12-08  click:[]



Statistics Course Introduction

Statistics is a methodological science which focuses on searching, processing and analyzing statistical data. Its purpose is to explore the essential quantitative law of data so that researchers can obtain scientific understanding of objections. By far, statistical approach has been applied to fields of both natural science and social science. Statistics has been developed into a systematic discipline consisting of several subsidiary branches. Based on the composition of statistical approach, this course classifies Statistics into descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics studies how to get objective data. Properly collected and processed, data are presented in form of graphs, which provides straightforward information for following analysis and summary. To get quantitative features to reflect objective laws, descriptive statistics includes data collecting methods, data processing methods, material presenting methods, analyzing methods for data distribution and so on.

Inferential statistics discusses how to infer population features based on sample data. It is a probability analyzing method to detect unknown population features. Inferential statistics consists of statistical sampling and sampling distribution, parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, variance analysis, single and multiple linear regressions and other related studies.

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