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2009-12-08  click:[]




Course Introduction to Prediction and decision of statistics

This course as a professional course of statistics, in the organic and the logical combination of statistical prediction and decision of all kinds of methods, on the basis of comprehensively systematically about qualitative prediction method under the condition of socialist market economy, scenario prediction method, regression prediction method, time series decomposition method and trend extrapolation method, smooth the time series prediction method, the adaptive filtering method, the stationary time series prediction method, intervention analysis model prediction method, good prediction method, gray prediction method, state space prediction method and the kalman filtering and prediction accuracy and prediction evaluation, combination forecast method, and risk decision, the bayesian decision, under uncertainty decision and multiobjective decision theory and application, given the characteristics of various methods, application conditions, applicable occasions and the necessary evaluation, emphasize the case analysis and the application of electronic computers.

Time: 40 class hours

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