A Delegation from University of Bradford Visited QUT


On March 15th, Mr. Wesley Hackett, Associate Director of the Directorate of Outreach, Recruitment and Marketing, and Prof. Alastair Wood, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technologies from University of Bradford (UOB), visited QUT.

Vice President Prof.CHEN Lianjun warmly welcomed the delegation from UOB, and stated that QUT would effectively strengthen the full process management of the first Double Bachelor’s Degree Program in cooperation with UOB. In the future, QUT would expand the fields of cooperation in scientific research, teachers and students exchanges, etc.

Mr. Wesley Hackett expressed gratitude for the warm reception, and stated that UOB attached great importance to cooperation with QUT. This visit would further promote the high-quality operation of the Double Bachelor’s Degree Program as well as UK-China Institutional Partnership Exploration Project funded by British Council.

After the meeting, Mr. Wesley Hackett and Prof. Alastair Wood visited the School of Civil Engineering and the School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering. They presented the introduction on the Double Bachelor’s Degree Program, discussed with representatives of the faculty and students, and reached a consensus on scientific research cooperation and exchanges between teachers and students.

This visit further deepened the friendship between UOB and QUT, laying the foundation for expanding cooperation on research and student cultivation between the two universities.

(University of Bradford: https://www.bradford.ac.uk/external/)