Professor Leif Kari, Vice President of Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, and Professor Jie PAN from the University of Western Australia, Visited QUT


On September 26th, Prof.Leif Kari, Vice President of the Royal Institute of Technologyin Sweden, and Prof.Jie Pan from the University of Western Australia visited QUT. Vice PresidentProf.ZHANG Kai met with the guests, and relevant personnel from School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering and Office of International Affairs attended the meeting.

Vice President Prof.ZHANG Kai stated that both professors are internationally renowned experts in the field of acoustics and have been involved in the doctoral thesis guidance work of Professor Liu Bilong's team in the School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering of QUT for a long time. He hopes that the two sides can take the existing scientific research cooperation as an opportunity to further deepen cooperation inaspects of teacher-student exchanges, graduate training, and international cooperation project applications.

Prof.Leif Kari and Prof.Jie Pan said that they would further deepen their understanding of QUT through academic visits, scientific research cooperationin the future, and actively seek opportunities for cooperation,continuously deepening the friendly relationship between the two universities.

After the meeting, Prof.Leif Kari and Prof.Jie PAN respectively gave academic presentations titled "Future Education Program at KTH" and "An Introduction to Acoustic Teaching and Research at the University of Western Australia" to QUT's faculty and students.

Prof.Leif Kari is the Vice President in charge of teaching at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, Chairman of the Swedish Higher Education Authority, and Professor of Engineering Mechanics at the Marcus Wallenberg Laboratory for Sound and Vibration Research. He has a profound academic background and rich practical experience in the field of engineering acoustics. In addition, Prof.Leif Kari is also committed to the cultivation and practice of leadership, making important contributions to promoting the development of education.

Prof.Jie Pan is an internationally renowned expertin acoustics,the Winthrop Professor at the School of Mechanical Engineeringinthe University of Western Australia, Director of the Center for Acoustics, Dynamics, and Vibration at the University of Western Australia, member of the Acoustical Society of America, the Australian Acoustic Society, IEEE, and Fellow of the International Society of Engineering Asset Management.