The 2024 QUT Graduation Ceremony Was Grandly Held


On June 20th and 21st, the 2024 QUT graduation ceremony was grandly held at Huangdao Campus and Linyi Campus respectively. President Prof. ZHANG Kai, other members from QUT administration and schools, as well as the Class of 2024 with their relatives and friends attended the ceremony.

Graduation Ceremony at Huangdao Campus

Graduation Ceremony at Linyi Campus

The graduation ceremony began with the solemn national anthem. President Prof. ZHANG Kai extended warm congratulations to the graduates, and expressed deep respect and heartfelt gratitude to all the parents and teachers. In his speech, he looked back on the years students studied and grew at QUT, and offered sincere blessings to all graduates who are about to leave their Alma mater. He hoped that everyone will become a person with desire for dreams, courage in responsibilities, perseverance amid hardships, and dedication to career.

Speech by President Prof. ZHANG Kai

Prof. LI Shaochun, Vice Dean of the School of Civil Engineering, and Ms. CAO Yu from the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering at Linyi Campus, delivered speeches as teacher representatives.

Teacher Representative’s Speech 1

Teacher Representative’s Speech 2

Ms. ZHOU Junyi, a postgraduate of the School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, and Mr. WANG Yipan, an undergraduate student of the Department of Management Engineering in Linyi Campus, spoke as representatives of the graduates.

Student Representative’s Speech 1

Student Representative’s Speech 2

QUT Leaders Awarding Graduation Certificates and Degree Certificates to Graduates

The graduation ceremony ended with a choir from the teachers and students. Graduates, welcome back to QUT often, and best wishes to you!